Hello , i'm using pyqt 4 and i have a issue with signals

i'm trying to send a signal into an QmdiSubWindow , from my QMainWindow whenever a button is checked to tell the QMdiSubWindow that it has been checked ,
so the way i proceed is like this :

in my QMainWindow : i connect the signal to a fonction :
Qt Code:
  1. self.connect (self.moveButton , SIGNAL("clicked()") , self.send_move_signal)
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My send_move_Signal method :

Qt Code:
  1. def send_move_signal(self):
  2. self.moveButton.setChecked(True)
  3. self.mdiArea.activeSubWindow().emit ( SIGNAL("moveButton_activated"))
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and in the constructor of my Mdi-Widget i proceed like that :

Qt Code:
  1. class MdiWid ( QWidget , Ui_SubMdiWindow):
  2. def __init__(self,parent=None):
  3. super(MdiWid,self).__init__(parent)
  4. self.connect (self , SIGNAL("moveButton_activated"),self.updateMoveState)
  6. def updateMoveState(self):
  7. self.moveButton_activated = True
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But it doesn't work , and i don't see why

Any help please ,