Quote Originally Posted by GreyGeek
Talking about ages, I wonder what aniversery of her 21st birthday did Katrina last celebrate?
LOL I really am 25. My uncle started teaching me BASIC at the young age of 5 on a Tandy COCO 3 (which rocked back then, it had 256k RAM!) Between 6 and 10 I also aquired a TI 99/4A and a Timex Sinclare (complete with the "printer" which looks like a modern reciept printer and the 16k ram module)
I remember all too well saving things to tape and hoping that it worked so you didn't waste all that time (My sister and I were home schooled and I even wrote a small (small by modern standards...big when you are typing basic line by line) program for my mom to make tests for us when I was 8)

My big break came when I was 11 and was given a Tandy HD 1000 (a 8088 with 384k RAM and a 10mb hard disk) by a friend of my parents who had gotten a new computer; my uncle then introduced me to QBasic and gave me a 1200bps modem. (I spent a fortune calling BBS's long distance lol)
around 13 I started trying to learn C with varied results. When I was about 15 I learned LPC and then the C lightning bolt hit me. Eventually (around 20y/o) I gave up my anti-object-oriented stance and learned C++ and most recently Java. There were a few other languages in between those that I learned, although I have all but forgotten some of them (z80 ASM for instance)
