• Welcome to Qt Centre

    Qt Centre is a community site devoted to programming in C++ using the Qt framework developed at Digia.

    If you have any problems with Qt or its usage, you can get help from the members of Qt community on our forum.

    Don't forget to check out our links section for more Qt resources.

    New to Qt?

    Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework. Using Qt, you can write web-enabled applications once and deploy them across desktop, mobile and embedded operating systems without rewriting the source code.

  • wysota

    by Published on 15th October 2011 12:59

    It was just a few days ago when we learned about the death of Steve Jobs, now we hear about passing away of another great figure of computer science and IT world.

    Dennis Ritchie had great impact on computers as we know them today. The co-creator of the original Unix and, what is probably even more important for all Qt programmers all over the world, the person behind the C language, probably the first programming language learned by many of us and the direct ancestor to C++.

    Qt Centre community offers its condolences to everybody who knew him.
    by Published on 4th May 2011 10:15
    1. Categories:
    2. Qt

    Today Qt SDK 1.1 has been released. It is a complete environment offering a single Qt SDK for targetting all Qt's platforms, both desktop and mobile. It also introduces Qt Quick development kit and ability to publish Qt based applications in Ovi Store.
    Published on 17th September 2010 17:10
    1. Categories:
    2. Qt Centre,
    3. Qt

    Nokia will be holding the 7th annual Qt Developer Days events this year in Munich (Oct. 11-13) and San Francisco (Nov. 1-3) and would like very much for you to come!

    This years event will feature:
    • Over 50 technical sessions, many given by the developers of Qt
    • On-site Tech Lab where I will get dedicated time with an experience Qt engineer.
    • In-depth sessions on Qt 4.7 and Qt Quick, the new UI creation tool.
    • An opportunity to learn and share experiences and ideas with other Qt developers and meet our Qt partners.
    • Insights into Qt’s development and future roadmap.

    As a special bonus to all our online friends at qtcentre.org, we are offering an additional discount of €/$ 50 off the already reduced registration fee if you book before September 29. This means that the community discount plus the early bird discount brings the total price to €/$449 for the three day event (which includes training) or €/$349 for the two day conference.

    To take advantage of this deal, simply enter the promo code DDWEB when registering for the event.

    Hope to see you at Qt Developer Days!

    Published on 20th July 2010 14:52
    1. Categories:
    2. Qt

    The Qt Ambassador Program has been running as a Beta exclusively on Qt Centre for a few months. We have received 85 applications and have so far accepted 30 ambassadors. Props to the CiMPLE project by Think Labs (a visual programming language for children to program robotic kits) for being the first-ever Qt Ambassador.

    What is the Qt Ambassador Program?

    The Qt Ambassador Program is a membership-only program that honors Qt development projects. All developers around the world who create products and projects with Qt are eligible to apply. Membership to the Qt Ambassador Program is free and based on your outstanding and innovative Qt project.

    Note: The Qt Ambassador Program is still in a Beta phase, so of course, there is a slight possibility that you may encounter certain kinks and quirks that need some ironing out. Make sure to send your feedback directly to qt-ambassador@nokia.com.

    Become a Qt Ambassador

    Don't waste another second and apply now to the Qt Ambassador Program!
    by Published on 14th June 2010 10:14
    1. Categories:
    2. 3rd party
    Article Preview

    Developer Machines announces the release of Qtitan Framework Beta a powerful Nokia-Qt library that facilitates the creation of fast, stable and easy-to use applications working with large arrays of tabular data and multimedia content.

    June 7, 2010: Developer Machines proudly announces the release of Qtitan Framework Beta, the company's flagship product for the Nokia-Qt development platform. The library offers an outstanding set of advanced features combined with ultra-fast data processing speed. It is intended for professional developers working with the Nokia-Qt platform and willing to create modern, fast and efficient cross-platform applications working with large and extra-large volumes of data and rich multimedia content in different formats.
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