Hello All.

I have a dynamic library. It were written using Qt3. The library export some function with GUI. The functions doesn't contain any Qt3 special classes in interface... It's look like:

Qt Code:
  1. typedef char* (*pcl_show)(const char*, const char* , const char*, const char*, const char*);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

The function shows some table on screen.

So, I can use this function in any programming language. I succesfully use it in Delphi and Qt3.

But when I start use Qt4 and try to include this library in my project I found that window (from my library) does not painting in my application.

What I must do to use my GUI Qt3 library in Qt4? I think this happend because of difference between QApplication of Qt4 and Qt3. Are they have a common qApp object?

P.S. Sorry for my "English". English is not my favourite language.