Afternoon all,

I've got the Windows release of QT 4.5.1 (2009.02) and it has installed fine. QT Creator is excellent provided I don't do anything difficult like File->New and choosing any of the offered options.

Each and every one of the options provided (text file, GUI project, console project etc) crash out the program with an "exception at address 0 read of address 0" error.

Runs fine on OpenSuse 11.1.

I can open existing projects and files with no problems, just can't create a new one. (Or a new class either.)

I'm trying 2009.01 at the moment - it is installing while I type this - and also QT Creator itself, version 0.9 (I know, it's old!) just to see if the problems is one affecting Windows 2000 or not.

I don't have other versions of Windows to try out unfortunately.

Oh, by the way, I also did a complete build from source of QTCreator 1.1.0 and the release build has exactly the same problems. File->New->Something = crash.

The debug build of QTCreator failed, can't find "cannot find -lQtDesignerComponentsd4" which is true, it doesn't exists. B*gger!
