When I downloaded the Qt SDK it had SSL support built in, and I used it successfully to read with auth my Gmail inbox xml feed.

However, I also needed to use Phonon, so I had to rebuild with my VS2008 compiler. I didn't realize, but this removed SSL support. If I configure with the following options, I see "OpenSSL support... no":
Qt Code:
  1. configure -phonon -no-webkit -platform win32-msvc2008 -opensource
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
(Qt 4.5.2 + MSVC 2008 breaks WebKit)

How can I get it back? I tried configuring with
Qt Code:
  1. --openssl -I "my/path/to/openssl/include"
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
but it still fails, this time with general C++ missing-class messages. Is there a particular OpenSSL version I need to use? Or something else I'm missing?