
Being limited to just a few sites bothers me.For example,when I do a search like +c# +examples, or +java +examples,google returns many useful results which have code examples.But with Qt,seems like we are limited to a few useful sites.

In the future if I want to do a specific thing with Qt,let's say "an ircbot" and I need code examples, if I can't find them in a few sites then I will not be able to write that application cause of insufficient examples,I am just limited to a few sites which have examples.
Also I want to ask another question too,if I want to make an ircbot,should I code it in pure C++ code + Qt(for just GUI),or should I code it entirely in Qt?(is it possible?)

I have trouble about understanding why although Qt seems like a popular framework there is almost no examples and tutorials other than a few sites?