I recently installed the Legacy support libraries (libstdc++, compat-stdc++) for RedHat WS. Each time that I try and compile my Qt application I receive errors in my QGLWidget subclass from OGL.h like
Cannot find QGL:: DoubleBuffer
Cannot find QGL:: DepthBuffer

This is not a direct printout of the errors received, because the computer it is being written on is not connected to the internet...my apologies! I have Qt 4.1.4 installed (4.1.4 was installed after all the Legacy libraries were installed, and no installation issues with Qt). I tried compiling using Qt 4.1.3, which was installed prior to the legacy apps, but receive the same errors. I cannot uninstall the Legacy libraries it seems without totally reinstalling the OS. Is there a problem with using gcc 3.4, legacy stdc++ libs and Qt? This is really messing with me, since all the code was working prior to installing the legacy libs. Does anyone know of a way to uninstall those legacy libs? If I use the application uninstaller, it gives about 20 apps dependent on the legacy libs I just installed and wont let me uninstall! Thanks!