Quote Originally Posted by eugen View Post
Hi everyone!
Now I try to fresh up my C++ knowledge and look across by book shelf.
I 'm not completely satisfied with the C++ books I have here.
What are your favorite C++ books you read - and keep readind from time to time?

My first @ c++ book is http://www.koders.com/ 2006 the 2° ISBN-10: 3-89842-816-8
http://www.galileocomputing.de/katal...gp/titelID-899 is ok ....
I don have much C++ expirience, i have only 10 years expirience on php2,3,4,5 Class Object and 3 years http://gtk.php.net/ is nice to learn Class Object to balance theory and practice, without yawn, and 11 month QT..