Quote Originally Posted by wysota View Post
And please show me where in your code did you tell QVariant how to handle Object1* and where did you tell the signal/slot system how to treat Object*. How should QVariant know it should cast its data to Object1* when passing it through signals and slots?
I am not sure where we are miss communicating here but your reply is explaining the problem.

First Object1 is a descendant of QObject which already puts it in the meta system. Secondly it is registered with qmlRegisterType<Object1>("com.test.object1", 1, 0, "Object1"); for QML.

Thirdly there is no reason it should be casted as a QVariant. This has been acknowledged by nokia and it is a lack of code in the signal/slot system related to QML.

If you can alter the code and make it work properly in 3 of the 3 examples instead of 2 it might help bridge the gap of the misunderstanding.