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Thread: After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?

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    Default After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?

    I have compiled QTcreator and now I have a folder with \bin content.
    I have not QTCore4.dll neither other dlls.
    If I mix with original QTcore4.dll and more, my QTCreator does not run because there is an error (I have a messagebox : It does not find entry point... bla bla bla for qtcore4.dll)
    What more must I do ?
    Must I do a strange mix with the original installation ?
    Must I compile theese dlls ( QTCore and more) ?
    Must I configure something at QT ?
    (As you see this is the 4 or 5 question about this theme... I keep on without having a QT Creator - mingw that can run )

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    Default Re: After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?

    Quote Originally Posted by tonnot View Post
    I have compiled QTcreator and now I have a folder with \bin content.
    I have not QTCore4.dll neither other dlls.
    If I mix with original QTcore4.dll and more, my QTCreator does not run because there is an error (I have a messagebox : It does not find entry point... bla bla bla for qtcore4.dll)
    What do you mean by original QtCore4.dll and more? Are these dlls from Qt Creator directory provided by Nokia(for example: C:\Qt\2010.xx\bin)?

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    Default Re: After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?

    Quote Originally Posted by tonnot View Post
    I have compiled QTcreator and now I have a folder with \bin content.
    I have not QTCore4.dll neither other dlls.
    If I mix with original QTcore4.dll and more, my QTCreator does not run because there is an error (I have a messagebox : It does not find entry point... bla bla bla for qtcore4.dll)
    What more must I do ?
    Must I do a strange mix with the original installation ?
    Must I compile theese dlls ( QTCore and more) ?
    Must I configure something at QT ?
    (As you see this is the 4 or 5 question about this theme... I keep on without having a QT Creator - mingw that can run )
    You've already been told not to copy around files randomly. After the compilation is complete, you have a usable Qt Creator. Don't copy any files anywhere and specifically don't try to move the newly compiled suite into the file tree from the Qt SDK. The SDK and the Creator you have built yourself are two separate entities.
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    Default Re: After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?

    As I say at the original post :
    I have compiled QTcreator and now I have a folder with \bin content.
    I have not QTCore4.dll neither other qt dlls.
    And then ?
    This QtCreator is not usable ...

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    Default Re: After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?

    *hint* QtCore4.dll is part of Qt and not QtCreator.
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    Default Re: After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?

    And , when I run QTcreator (both the original and the compiled ), why is the reason because it needs QTcore4.dll ?

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    Default Re: After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?

    Because it is built with Qt?

    Doesn't Qt Creator ship with a modified (read: custom) QtCore4.dll?

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    Default Re: After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Timoteo View Post
    Doesn't Qt Creator ship with a modified (read: custom) QtCore4.dll?
    On Windows, I do have a QtCore4.dll in the qt/2010.xx/bin folder.
    However, Qt Creator does not need a custom Qt core lib. If this lib is used by Qt Creator, I have no idea why. Maybe Nokia thought Qt Creator could be used without Qt installed? I don't see a reason why.

    Anyway, on linux I build Qt Creator from source with a standard Qt library without any problem. That's why I'm sure no special Qt modifications are needed.

    Edit: Ahh, I guess one reason is to use a stable (working) base while you can update or even change the libs yourself without impacting Qt Creator?

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    Default Re: After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?

    God ... can anyone talk to the people of Nokia? (Wysota ?)

    Tbscope say:
    However, Qt Creator does not need a custom Qt core lib. If this lib is used by Qt Creator, I have no idea why. Maybe Nokia thought Qt Creator could be used without Qt installed? I don't see a reason why.
    The question is that QTCreator does not run if I have not a properly QTcore4.dll.
    And If I have not this QTCreator build with mingw, I cannot view my own custom widgets plugins !
    (I Have mingw compiler, not MSVC )
    Really I dont know how to do this.
    Am I the only QT user that has this problem ?

    And ...TbScope I dont understand you
    Ahh, I guess one reason is to use a stable (working) base while you can update or even change the libs yourself without impacting Qt Creator?
    QT says at its webpage:
    Connect with Qt Creator developers on our public IRC channel , is there anyone listening ?
    And, the mail-list is working ?

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    Default Re: After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?

    Okay, gotcha. I've never built Creator itself so I always suspected that the local lib might differ in some other way. There's no reason why you couldn't update the libs without messing with Creator, though, as long as you stay within the same major version.

    Edit: Ahh. A 32bit Creator needs to be able to build a 64bit target.
    Last edited by Timoteo; 16th November 2010 at 17:52. Reason: realization? maybe? probably.

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    Default Re: After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?

    ok ... is the dead of my post ?

    (For people who has a commercial support, can ask to QT for 'how to QTCReator mingw' ?)

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    Default Re: After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?

    Quote Originally Posted by tbscope View Post
    However, Qt Creator does not need a custom Qt core lib. If this lib is used by Qt Creator, I have no idea why. Maybe Nokia thought Qt Creator could be used without Qt installed? I don't see a reason why.
    Because of two reasons. One is that Creator uses a bleeding edge version of Qt. Another is that you can rebuild Qt and it could influence Creator.

    Quote Originally Posted by tonnot View Post
    God ... can anyone talk to the people of Nokia? (Wysota ?)
    Hmm??? What do you want me to talk to them about?

    Tbscope say:

    The question is that QTCreator does not run if I have not a properly QTcore4.dll.
    And If I have not this QTCreator build with mingw, I cannot view my own custom widgets plugins !
    (I Have mingw compiler, not MSVC )
    Really I dont know how to do this.
    Qt Creator is like any Qt based application - it needs Qt to run. You can either make it available in the PATH or copy its libraries to the directory where the binary of the application resides. Just like with any other application dependant on some library.

    Am I the only QT user that has this problem ?
    Probably yes.
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    Default Re: After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?

    Qt Creator is like any Qt based application - it needs Qt to run. You can either make it available in the PATH or copy its libraries to the directory where the binary of the application resides. Just like with any other application dependant on some library.
    Wysota, this does not work. If you do so, you have a messagebox telling you that there is not found entry point to procedure _Z17qt_message_output9QtMsgTypePKc at QTCore4.dll

    Quote Originally Posted by wysota View Post
    Hmm??? What do you want me to talk to them about?
    (I think you can ... I'm sure you know to somebody at QT)
    (Please tell them to try to compile a QTCreator with mingw)

    The question (i Think) is that the most of people using QT :
    1.- Are using QT on linux
    2.- Are using MSVC
    3.- Are NOT using custom widget plugins
    Because if not, my question had been answered a long time ago.

    I'm doing this question since I downloaded QT and I discovered the custom widget plugins world.
    But you cannot use your own plugins because QTCREATOR is build with MSVC and the plugins are build with mingw.
    Is Nokia kidding us ? Is nokia unable to tell us 'Don't try to compile QTcreator with mingw' ?

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    Default Re: After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?

    Quote Originally Posted by tonnot View Post
    Wysota, this does not work. If you do so, you have a messagebox telling you that there is not found entry point to procedure _Z17qt_message_output9QtMsgTypePKc at QTCore4.dll
    It means you are using the wrong dll.

    (I think you can ... I'm sure you know to somebody at QT)
    (Please tell them to try to compile a QTCreator with mingw)
    You can tell them that yourself -

    I'm doing this question since I downloaded QT and I discovered the custom widget plugins world.
    But you cannot use your own plugins because QTCREATOR is build with MSVC and the plugins are build with mingw.
    Is Nokia kidding us ? Is nokia unable to tell us 'Don't try to compile QTcreator with mingw' ?
    Honestly the problem is you are not familiar with your own system (Windows) enough and you know too little as a programmer and not with Qt Creator.
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    Default Re: After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?

    Quote Originally Posted by tonnot View Post
    Am I the only QT user that has this problem ?
    You are definetly not. I'm strugling with the same problem as well and I do think more windows people are.
    If you stick to the SDK all goes well, but if you need a custom widget as we do (In my case Qwt), you have a problem. QT creator needs to be build with MinGW and not VS2008. Why they didn't do this in the first place is a mystery to me, it would save a lot of headaches.
    So I compiled qt-creator myself.
    Unfortunally at the most places to get help on this, it stops there, they only tell you how to compile. But after Qt creator is built, when you start it you get the missing QTCore etc. dll errors.
    This is not too strange since if you look at the SDK qt-creator is bundled with qt itself. All these qt dll's are there in the SDK. Your custom compiled qt creator doesn't have these.

    Now you can open a QT command prompt and navigate to you creator map so you'll have the QT runtime files in your PATH. This should work. Another way is to indeed fumble around with the files to get it working. This is also suggested by some other people who are trying to build a win32 creator themselves. For example here:
    They advice to copy all the SDK runtime dll's to your compiled qtcreator. Both ways have a problem though. Indeed, qtcreator then runs, but you get other errors such as missing examples.
    Next to that, you get build errors because of a missing "shared" library, which is there in the SDK folder, but not in your custom Creator.
    So I prefer to do it the other way around, copy my compiled files to the SDK. I'm in the middle of this. But you really need to be careful because it's easy to break the SDK this way..
    All in all it's not pretty and certainly it's frustrating QT doesn't say anything about such issues but leaves it to the user to find the problem and solution.
    Last edited by gwargk; 23rd November 2010 at 13:54.

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    Default Re: After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?

    Guys, it all boils down to understanding your own system. There is no magic involved anywhere, just like with any other application, Qt Creator needs its dependencies in place. If you don't know how to satisfy dependencies of an application on the system you are using and you want to call yourselves "programmers", you have some serious knowledge gap to fill.
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    Default Re: After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?

    Well, I've got it working now. Including the examples.
    There are many contradicting advices around, people are using different versions, different locations, different build advices (release, release+debug) and so on. I think that's the primary source of the problems.

    Let's add some to this
    These steps have finaly worked for me:

    Follow these up until you've completed building. Do not proceed after that. The author advices to start copying the files around. Don't do that.
    Instead just start the QT command prompt and navigate to the build folder. Start Qt-creator and it should work ok. Including examples and all.
    Maby including the line "CONFIG += release" did the trick.

    If you're interested in adding Qwt. If you are using qwt-6.0.0-rc4. Build BOTH debug and release libraries. Some say not, and only to build release, some say both. I say both, since only building the release didn't work for me when I tried to build in qt-creator.
    So that means: keep the line QWT_CONFIG += QwtDll in qwtconfig.pri and keep the lines:
    CONFIG += debug_and_release
    CONFIG += build_all
    #CONFIG += release
    in qwtbuild.pri
    Just like they are distributed.
    Note that the .pri files have been changing in the qwt project, some people refer to older versions. These settings are regarding the pri files in the qwt-6.0.0-rc4 version.
    Next, follow the build instructions for win32 minGW in the INSTALL file.

    After building you need to copy the files from the lib folder to the SDK QT and the designer\plugins\designer files to the QT-creator designer plugin folder to have them in qtcreator.

    When compiling your new application, don't forget to put these in your pro file:


    LIBS += C:\qwt-6.0.0-rc4\lib\qwt.dll

    INCLUDEPATH += C:\qwt-6.0.0-rc4\src
    Last edited by gwargk; 23rd November 2010 at 16:02.

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    Default Re: After build QTcreator with mingw32, what more must I do ?

    Quote Originally Posted by gwargk View Post
    I say both, since only building the release didn't work for me when I tried to build in qt-creator.
    Then you have built Creator in debug mode.
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