
I have a App made for windows and I'm trying to make a version for the N900... on my app I use sockets and ISD server. I compiled for Qt Simulator and it stops because it says that ISD service could not start because port 5800 is already in use.. the code is:

isdServer::isdServer( const quint16 _ivs_port, int _argc, char * * _argv ) :
m_readyReadMapper( this ),
m_ivs( NULL ),
m_demoClient( NULL ),
m_lockWidget( NULL )
if( __isd_server ||
listen( QHostAddress::Any, __isd_port ) == FALSE )
// uh oh, already an ISD running or port isn't available...
qCritical( "isdServer::isdServer(...): "
"could not start ISD server: %s",
errorString().toUtf8().constData() );
QMessageBox::critical(NULL, tr( "Erro no serviço ISD" ),
tr( "O serviço ISD não pode ser iniciado porque a "
"porta %1 já se encontra em uso." ).
arg( QString::number( __isd_port ) ));

I as wondering if Qt simulator is capable of handling this kind of code or if I have to test it on my N900?