Quote Originally Posted by javimoya View Post
Maemo maybe is ahead of iOS and Android... but that doesn't mind....
You need the best professional developers in the world craving to develop in your system...
Nowadays iOS is the only interesting platform for professional developers.... because you can earn a lot of money selling your apps in the App Store.
Maemo is far far far away from that.
Note this is not the fault of the platform. iOS had to start from something too. This is all related to marketing and technical base for developers.

So... why happy iOS developers are going to develop for maemo now?
That's a chimera.

Nokia must go to Android...
"So... why happy iOS developers are going to develop for Android now?"

This is not really an argument. All those happy developers used to develop for other platforms a couple of years ago and something caused them to switch. If Qt bridges the difference between different platforms, it's a good motivation for developers to use it. If one can write an app for iOS in native API and sell it to X people or can write the same application in Qt (assuming it'll eventually get ported to iOS) and sell it to X+Y+Z people using iOS, Android and MeeGo, I'd say that was a good trigger to think about not being tied to a specific platform. That was always Qt's advantage and I don't see why this advantage shouldn't be carried to the mobile world. For me the biggest thunderstorm would be if Nokia decided to officially port Qt to iOS and Android to attract developers. To me it's a win-win situation for Nokia, at least on the software market. Hardware then needs to follow. Knowing the fact that you can install Linux on practically anything, I wouldn't be suprised if there appeared solutions for reflashing Android or iOS-based devices to Linux (MeeGo). It's not something Nokia (as in hardware vendor) would take advantage of but that's their problem.