Hi all!

For a previous job I wrote a win32 app using Qt3.2.1 (the commercial version without source included) & Qwt5.0, it basically does heavy real-time audio processing and displays it's results on several QwtPlots (10 in total, of which at max 5 are visible at the same time). Screen updates take place every 5 seconds or so.
Now I met the guy who's using the software yesterday, and he said that sometimes (like 1 out of 30 runs) he's getting a crash. He was able to trace it down to a call to QApplication::sendPostedEvents() in QwtPlot::replot().
I spent some time with him trying to figure out what goes wrong, and it seems to come down to this: after finding out at which offset in the qt dll the problem resides, it looks like there is some function (don't know which one, the name is not exported) calling QThreadStorage::hasLocalData(), which returns true. This results in that function trying to read memory filled with 0xfeeefee, which means it's freed, hence the crash.
Does this ring a bell for somebody?
Could the cause by that sendPostedEvents() is actually called from another thread then the main QApplication thread?

Any ideas are will be greatly appreciated!
