I have a QtreeWidget, and I want to 'explore' it using it model data.
I have a vector<QStandardItemModel*>. First I add the main model for the tree.
I explore it and add new models to my vector if I find nodes with children.
( I think that with a simple code I can transverse the whole tree).

Ok, now I have :
Qt Code:
  1. tree_model= (QStandardItemModel*)QTreeWidget->model();
  2. tree_model->rowCount();
  3. tree_model->columnCount();
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

But I dont know how to get the 'node' data. (text and datamodel)
I have to use a modelIndex?
Qt Code:
  1. QModelIndex mi = tree_model>index(row, col); ???
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
But I could to use:
Qt Code:
  1. tree_model->item(row,col)->text();
  2. tree_model->item(row,col)->has_children;
  3. tree_model->item(row,col)->model()
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

But I have errors .... And I don find nothing useful at help reference
Any help ? Thanks.