Quote Originally Posted by GreyGeek
Mail your addr to me and I'll send you an ISO of MEPIS no charge.
Very kind of you but do you live in France???

Moreover I failed shrinking my partition! I defragmented my FAT32 (took 6 hours but I managed to be patient ) Then I booted from an old liveCD I had, logged in as root and I launched QtParted. Until that moment, no problem! QtParted was very long to get infos about my partition but anyway it did it. My real problem is that after validating the resizing operation I got an empty warning box and nothing was actually performed!

Another thing to say : those who have already done a defragmentattion under M$ Win know that some files aren't moved. I noticed those files where everywhere on my disk :
- a few at the beggining
- a lot on the middle
- and too many to take chances of shrinking, If they're really important, at the end

So my questions are : Are they really important? If so how to force moving them? How to perform that damn partition resizing?