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Thread: udp send and receive on same port (the data i sent out is received on my port as well

  1. #1
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    Default udp send and receive on same port (the data i sent out is received on my port as well

    im learning to use the udp socket in QT4

    what happened was when i tried to send and receive on the same port using the same QUDPsocket
    whatever i send out i receive on my port and my client on the other end doesnt receive anything.
    however when i disable the binding and signal readyRead() it works fine

    my code is

    udpsock = new QUdpSocket(this)
    connect(udpsock,SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(processPendingDatagrams())

    is there something i did wrong here?

    thanks for yr help

  2. #2
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    Default Re: udp send and receive on same port (the data i sent out is received on my port as

    How are you sending datagrams?
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