I'm having a problem connecting a user defined slot to my widgets created in Qt Designer.

I followed the example in the online Qt3 book in the chapter 'rapid dialog design'. On p25 I noticed a difference between Qt Designer for Qt4 and Qt3. The Qt4 version doesn't have the code editor.

I am having difficulties connecting a widget to a slot that doesn't appear in Qt Designer. Any suggestion for a nice way of doing this (except for not using Designer) ?
It looked like it happened automatically in Qt3.
This will effectively save two files: the user interface file gotocelldialog.ui, and the C++ source file gotocelldialog.ui.h . Make the application once more and run it again.
one file generated by Qt and the other written in the code editor, integrated automatically the next time you ran (qmake and (?)) make, it seems.

(Btw I just started looking at Qt today, but I have looked through a lot of doc's and not found anything about this. I probably just don't know where to begin...)