Yeah, I already tried that and stuff like Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent and Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen and yes, it gives a transparent window background, but as soon as I try to paint on it or just put a QLabel in it, the background is black with my QLabel ontop

Maybe this is supposed to work on Windows but no one at TT noticed yet that it doesn't work very well on Windows Vista?

I actually also thought that this would be a simple thing to achieve and I was pretty surprised that it wasn't that easy after all.

I also looked into that: (first example - "ARGB")
And according to its source code even TT needed to use X11 calls (which I obviously don't have on Windows :P) to display that bird.
I downloaded it and removed the X11 calls from the int main() function - the bird has a gray and black background in its window (gray with no attributes and black with the aforementioned attributes).