I get a problem compiling self-made sqlplugin on linux.
I want to use third-party library(ibpp 2.4) but can't link it to my
plugin properly.
i've tried to link it as a shared object (so):

1. in case plugin compiled with gcc 2.95, ibpp compiled with gcc 3.2,
only ibpp interface header included in plugin: plugin is being
recognized by qt, but i get "unresolved depednedcy" error on every
function calls from libibpp.so
2. in case both compiled with 3.2, plugin isnt being recognized at all

i've also tried to include ibpp's source code:

3. in case i include ibpp's source code and compile plugin with gcc
3.2, plugin isnt being recognized too.

p.s. - facts
1. i have gcc 2.95 on my os and have no ability to upgrade it; just
install additionaly instances and use it by temporary modifying of
PATH environment variable
2. ibpp requires gcc 3.2