This problem has been bugging me for a long long time and everytime I find a working solution and moves on but after some time , the same problem again crops up in another dialog and once again I look for some other solution
This is regarding the resizing of the dialog boxes according to the content of the widgets inside it. I got the solution on the same forum i.e use
Qt Code:
  1. setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetFixedSize)
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
but this was not liked by people as this solution does not allow then the user to resize the dialog box manually.
Then I came to a conclusion that the widgets has to be on the main layout and you have to apply some layout to a dialog box and then only the widgets on the dialog will resize

Another time a dialog box with a frame which was having the same problem, now agian back to finding the solution, this time I observed that in the existing file, the minimum size of the Frame was set to some value and as I remove the value and put the minimum size to (0,0) it was working as expected. And offcourse every frame and the dialog box need to have a layout.
Now this is beyond my understanding that how come minimum size can restrict the frame from resizing. So can anyone please help in explaining this weird behaviour otherwise I know that once again another dialog box might come with a different kind of problem for resiziing.
Thanks for reading such a long query :-)