I'm trying to create a connection between two application using QUdpSocket.

I send many udp packet consequently, for example
Qt Code:
  1. uiDatawritten = m_pxUdpSocket->writeDatagram(xByteArray.data(), xByteArray.size(), *m_pxHostAddress, UDPPORT);
  2. uiDatawritten2 = m_pxUdpSocket->writeDatagram(xByteArray2.data(), xByteArray2.size(), *m_pxHostAddress, UDPPORT);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

But, when I do it, the second application receives only the last packet, and the first is discarded.

I'd like to known if it's a known issue, and how I can resolve it, also considering that I can't use TCP and I need to send packets as fast as possible.
Any help is appreciated.