Hello people

i'm playing with QItemEditorFactory and creating editor widgets on-the-fly for a dynamic form i have in my application (The form shows editable values of a QVariantHash).
Regarding to this, i have two questions.

The first one should be rather trivial for those familiar with the GUI classes. When creating an editor widget with QItemEditorFactory::defaultFactory()->createEditor(), the look-and-feel of the widget looks somehow different than other regular widgets: i suspect these generated widgets are made to be displayed on a table rather than a regular form. What would be the right process to have those widgets skinned as normal?

The second question (And most important), is about the QVariant type being passed to the factory when creating the widget... i would like to give it a QVariant crafted from an enum of mine (Registered with Q_ENUMS and everything), and to be able to have a QComboBox displaying possible values. Is it possible to have that "out-of-the-box" like it has been done in QtDesigner, or do i have to introspect the values using the MetaObject system?

[Edit]Another fast question i have... When registering new editors in QItemEditorFactory, i see i have to pass a QVariant::Type value, as well as at instanciation time. What if the editor i want to register is for a custom type, higher than QVariant::UserType? When i will instanciate the editor, how will i be able to pass a QVariant::Type superior than QVariant::UserType?[/Edit]

Thanks a lot,