I just recently installed visual studio 2012. To my dismay, not much had changed in terms of WYSIWYG functionality- the thing that has kept me in command prompt programming for years. I read about QT and proceeded to download and install the latest 5.0 version.
I had pretty much expected it to run out of the box, since I had the windows SDK installed with VS2012. I opened an example program and hit the build button. To my dismay it kicked back an error, ":-1: error: Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options." No biggie, went to options-Kits. The Desktop qt5.0.0 MSVC2010 32bit (SDK) is listed, but greyed out on all options and has a triangle warning sign next to it. The compiler option says <No compiler available>. Click the "manage" button which shoots me over to the compilers tab. I have about 8 VS2012 compilers listed under the auto-detected list. Still confused that I have compilers listed, but none of them work?
Did as much googling on qt5 as I could, and downloaded the win7/VC++2010 SDK just to be sure. Still no change. So I uninstalled EVERYTHING, reinstalled the SDK, then QT5. Now I have no compilers listed. I cannot find a "facepalm" newbie install guide that describes how install and run from scratch.
I consider myself a long-time programming hobbyist, I'm not up-to-date but am in no means a greenhorn to this kind of thing.
