Hi to all!

I need help because I stumbled into pitfall I cannot solve. In my app module I have QTableView subclassed object which represents data from subclassed QStandardItemModel object. This QStandardItemModel subclassed object internally holds QList of some data. Now, when I empty this QList with clear() method and after I clear QTableView also using its inherited clear method with following code chunk:
Qt Code:
  1. m_pShoppingCartView->order()->orders()->clear(); // reinits order list
  2. m_pShoppingCartView->shoppingCartModel()->clear(); // clears table view
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
my app crashes with gdb error:
Qt Code:
  1. warning: ASSERT: "i >= 0 && i < size()" in file ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbitarray.h, line 121
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
. The application crashes when I readd items to qlist and then render data of this qlist using model on table view. Why the app crashes?!