I took a break from the video player I was trying to create with a frame-by-frame step feature. But I am back on that now and I have found a player that contains the frame-by-frame skipping. It is the playwnd program provided by Microsoft's DirectShow samples. What I would like to add to this sample are some buttons below the video player that would allow for the frame skipping, and possible a play/pause button and a stop button. These are already implemented through a menu system and keyboard shortcuts, but the buttons are a requirement. Is there anyway to use Qt to add these buttons to this already existing program? I know how to create buttons in the .ui file and I have experimented with them a little bit. But I do not know how I can add these to the already exisiting player. I am guessing that since this is a Microsoft sample, the code is implemented using MFC. I could be wrong, but this is just an assumption. Thank you for all your help and continued support to us Qt users!