
I have got several widgets which I should add into a GraphicsScene...
I found a new class in Qt4.4 "QGraphicsProxyWidget " that makes easier adding widgets into graphicsscene .
I succesfully added most of my widgets as in the embeddeddialogs example of qt; but on some of my widgets I use QGLWidget to make some drawings. At that point qt gives a warning and that widget is not shown on the screen:

QPainter::begin: A paint device can only be painted by one painter at a time

I am adding the widgets as follow:
Qt Code:
  1. CustomProxy *proxy = new CustomProxy(0, Qt::Window);
  2. myDialog *dialog1=new myDialog;
  3. proxy->setWidget(dialog1);
  4. scene.addItem(proxy);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Should i use a different design pattern? Any idea?..

Thanks, regards..