I am having a very difficult time trying to create a small qpushbutton. This is a simple issue that possibly ties into other issues I am encountering. I figured I would start with this simple problem and go from there.

So, how do you make a small QPushButton in designer without explicitly setting it's maximumWidth? I want the layout (which the button is a member of) to shrink the button to a size that fits the button's text. The text might be only one or two characters long, so this is a SMALL button. I am only concerned with horizontal width (as opposed to vertical)

Here is a simple setup in designer

I have a qwidget as the main window.
I have a horizontal layout set for the window
I have qpushbutton in the layout (with button text 'X')
I might optionally have a horizontal spacer (if it helps with the problem)

For some reason, buttons do not get any smaller than 75 units (in width) unless explicitly told to do so (i.e through a geometry call or maximumWidth call). Does anyone know where this 75 unit rule is being made and how I might be able to get around it?

You can see this issue very clearly in designer by placing a button in a window, and give it a simple text name like 'X', and then tell it to Adjust Size (ctrl+j). The button will never shrink down to its contents. It always stops at 75 pixels. I don't believe that this is a designer issue. I have tried writing the gui code from scratch and have the same problems.

Can anyone enlighten me as to what is going on?
