Fellow Programmers,

Greetings. I'm having some trouble understanding on how everything fits together when trying to compile and run Qt 4.6 software on an embedded device. Any help would be appreciated.

What I'm developing code on: an laptop running Windows XP which is running a virtual machine (Sun VirtualBox) which has Ubuntu 9.10 running "on top" of it. The code will be developed within the Ubuntu virtual machine.

What I want to run the developed application on: a Freescale board (ADS512101) with a PowerPC processor running Linux (Kernel

I've been able to download the qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.0.tar file and do a test-run through the directions at:
with little to no problems. I have some quesstions though.

When it comes to building the libraries (step 3) and supplying arguments to the "./configure" script, do I supply a
-embedded x86 (for the laptop)
or a
-embedded generic (for the Freescale board with the PowerPC processor)?

Once again, thanks for any help.