Hi, I'm trying to create a program which is both going to use Qt and Boost. I realized after trying for a day or so that Boost programs cannot be compiled using MinGW, because of a non existing swprintf function. So I changed to Visual Studio 2008. Then, I could compile a simple boost program, but I don't know how to compile a qt program. Since I have to use qmake to create a makefile, I guess I can't use the normal Build->Build Solution in the Visual Studio menu, so I tried the following:

1. Open Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt (to get the desired environment with the appropriate environment variables)
2. cd to the directory
3. type "qmake -project" (or create my own .pro file)
4. type "qmake"
5. type "nmake"

And now the Qt program compiles. However, I don't think I'm doing this in the right way, since when I'm adding stdint.h to the included files, the compiler (cl.exe) complains about not being able to open the file.

Besides, how do I tell the compiler (cl.exe, nmake, qmake, whatever I have to tell it to) to link against boost? My boost is set up in the static multithreaded variants.

Thanks in advance!
