Quote Originally Posted by orlando View Post

I have a "simple" question, is any way I can read an image DPI (Dots Per Inch) from a QPixmap?

I have the following problem:
- I want a user selects an image from his computer.
- The system display that image on a QGraphicsPixmapItem on a QGraphicsScene.
- The image then may be printed.

Everything is ok, about that, but I need to read the Image DPI, so I can know the pixels to inches transformation (the printed image size).

For example:
If a have an image of 300 DPI and the image width is 2480px (pixels). Then I know that mi image is 8,26" (inches) width (2480/300 = 8,26).

If I know the image DPI, then I can know how to scale the image to the proper scene scale.

the printer DPI can be obtained using QPrinter::resolution()
the screen DPI can be obtained using QPaintDevice::physicalDpiX() and QPaintDevice::physicalDpiY()

you can use these values to scale your image to make it look the same size on the screen as it will be printed out.